TCTiSe (Text Compressed Times Series) - an open format for storing compressed any time series.

The main advantages are:

  • clear and simple internal structure
  • easy implementation of code for client applications through the use of freeware algorithms compression of text strings
  • High compression of original serieses (higher than SEED, CSS, WIN (Datamark), gcf (Guralp))
  • scalability due to the specialized units
  • Data block length is defined based on the time criterion

TCTiSe perfect for storage of geophysical observations (such as seismic, acoustic, etc.)

TCTiSe text format specification is published and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 The whole world (including Russia and others).

This means that the text of the specification is freely available for study, dissemination, use for any purpose (including commercial), but may not be distributed in any way modified text of the specification.

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